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Old  Posted by David Ribble at 05/07/2013, 18:00:12

Hello. I was happy to see a picture of my family members headstone on your website. Puts a little more realizm behind a man I have never met. Harvard Giles was my grandfathers brother and he is one of the men in my family that represents the values of freedom and sacrifice. 70 years later I have not forgotten. We are charged with the task of going out and making sure that other generations do not forget as well. As a Proud Canadian I say thank you one and all who stood up for our freedom. Sincerely, David Ribble

Old  Posted by Steve Gregory at 27/04/2013, 02:37:38

Thank you Students of Institue M. Bartolo. This is a beautiful homage to the sacrifice so many Canadians. Your work here keeps the memory of these men alive. We could not ask for more. Mille Grazie

Old  Posted by Wilma Barnes at 10/11/2011, 21:24:48

As November 11 gets closer I always think of my Uncle Bobby killed in Sicily. Thank you so much for this site.

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